I have a project for getting the 3 latest snapshots and union them.
I have a total of 93 snapshots:
For getting the latest snapshot (93), I use this code:
(SELECT MAX([CDP_DATE]) FROM [CD].[dbo].[abc]);
SELECT * FROM [CD].[dbo].[abc]
But how can I get snapshots 92, 91, and 90?
I don’t quite understand what do you mean by “union them”, but the query below
select the 3 latest snapshots, excluding the last one (as requested):
select *
from (
select t.*, row_number() over(order by cdp_date desc) as rn
from cd.dbo.abc t
) x
where rn between 2 and 4;
If you actually want the last three snapshots you can replace the last line by where rn between 1 and 3;
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Will you have to order them, do you have a column that allows you to order them by most recent to least recent?