frida:no response after hook

I hook a function with no error, but it has no output, I can be sure that the app runs this function

import frida
import sys

rdev = frida.get_remote_device()

session = rdev.attach("com.che168.autotradercloud")  # "com.che168.autotradercloud" 1990

scr = """
Java.perform(function () {
    // package.class
    var SPUtils = Java.use("com.che168.autotradercloud.util.SPUtils");
    var SharedPreferencesUtil = Java.use("com.che168.atclibrary.utils.SharedPreferencesUtil");

    // This hook runs successfully

    SPUtils.saveDeviceId.implementation = function(str){
        console.log("set device_id",str);
    // This hook function is in the same class as the above one, and it should have been executed, but nothing happened,no `console.log...`

    SPUtils.getDeviceId.implementation = function(){
        var res = this.getDeviceId();
        console.log("get id",res);
        return res;

script = session.create_script(scr)

def on_message(message, data):
    print(message, data)

script.on("message", on_message)


The source code decompiled with jadx is as follows (in part)

// getSpUtil() is SharedPreferencesUtil
public static void saveDeviceId(String str) {
       getSpUtil().saveString(KEY_DEVICE_ID, str);

public static String getDeviceId() {
       return getSpUtil().getString(KEY_DEVICE_ID, "");

The frida-version is 16.0.1 and py version is 3.7.9

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