fireEvent.change isn’t chaning the value of an input that has an onChange from a context provider [closed]

I have a testing suite, that tests a component that uses a context, I am simply trying to test when user inputs some characters/words in a form, and testing if those changes are reflected in the input, the onChangeEvent is a function that we pull from the context.

BUT when I fireEvent, those changes are not reflected and the test fails.

This is how I am mocking the form,

const renderMockForms = () =>
return render(
            <FormPage />

And a test that looks like

    fit("Test Empty Validation when input value is invalid", async () =>
        mockUseContext.mockReturnValue({ ...contextValues })

        const { container } = renderMockForms();

        await act( async () => {
            const input = container.querySelector(".inputStyles");

            fireEvent.focus(input as Element);
            fireEvent.change(input as Element, { target: { value: '!@#$' } });
            fireEvent.blur(input as Element);


            await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10));

            expect(screen.getByText("Invalid Input")).toBeTruthy();



we are mocking the context like so,

jest.mock('./Context/Context.tsx', () => ({
    useContext: jest.fn()

const { useContext: mockUseContext } = 

and the terminal is returning,

    Expected: "!@#$"
    Received: ""

      372 |             fireEvent.blur(input as Element);
      373 |
    > 374 |             expect(input.value).toBe('!@#$')
          |                                 ^
      375 |
      376 |             await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10));
      377 |

PLEASE HELP, spent about 3 days on this, and at this point I am over it

  • Please cut this down to a minimal reproducible example. Mocking the context is probably not a very good idea.


  • @jonrsharpe What would you suggest when testing components that use context?


It seems like:

fireEvent.blur(input as Element);

is causing the issue. Can you dispose of it?

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