Using Python, I am sending 50 images to a cuda routine that calculates the location of 50 beads in each image. Below is a drawing explaining (I just have drawn 4 beads):
The cuda routine is expecting a flattened array and so I have to extract from my image region of interests (say 64 x 64) that I flatten and then concatenate.
Here is what I have done :
import numpy as np
import time
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import sliding_window_view
# Create a numpy array of 1024 x 1280 (the image)
image = np.random.randint(0, 255, (1024, 1280), dtype=np.uint8)
# Assuming x_values and y_values are lists of x and y coordinates of those 64 x 64 region of interests.
x_values = np.random.randint(100, 900, 50)
y_values = np.random.randint(100, 900, 50)
# create 2 arrays for the 2 methods. Such array is used by cuda
main_array_1 = np.zeros((50*50*64*64))
main_array_2 = np.zeros((50*50*64*64))
# First method
start_time = time.time()
sub_images = np.array([image[x:x+64, y:y+64] for x, y in zip(x_values, y_values)])
flattened_sub_arrays = sub_images.ravel()
main_array_1 [:len(flattened_sub_arrays)] = flattened_sub_arrays
print("--- %s seconds ---" % ((time.time() - start_time)))
# second method (Thanks to hpaulj, see comments).
# Create an array of indices for x and y
x_indices = np.array([np.arange(x, x+64) for x in x_values])
y_indices = np.array([np.arange(y, y+64) for y in y_values])
start_time = time.time()
# Create a sliding window view of the image
window_view = np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view(image, (64, 64))
# Extract the sub-images using the x and y values
sub_images = window_view[x_values, y_values]
# Flatten the sub-images
flattened_sub_arrays_2 = sub_images.ravel()
main_array_2 [:len(flattened_sub_arrays_2)] = flattened_sub_arrays_2
print("--- %s seconds ---" % ((time.time() - start_time)))
# compare the two methods
print(np.array_equal(main_array_1, main_array_2))
Is there a way to make this much faster ?
One possible solution how to speed the function is to use numba + parallelize it:
from numba import njit, prange
def store_array_numba(image, x_values, y_values, main_array):
for i in prange(len(x_values)):
x = x_values[i]
y = y_values[i]
idx = 64 * 64 * i
for j in range(64):
main_array[idx + 64 * j : idx + 64 * (j + 1)] = image[x + j, y : y + 64]
Benchmark on my machine (AMD 5700x):
from timeit import timeit
import numpy as np
from numba import njit, prange
# Create a numpy array of 1024 x 1280
image = np.random.randint(0, 255, (1024, 1280), dtype=np.uint8)
N = 50
# Assuming x_values and y_values are lists of x and y coordinates (that define the top-left corner of each sub-image)
x_values = np.random.randint(100, 900, N)
y_values = np.random.randint(100, 900, N)
# This is the array that will store the sub-images and which will be used by cuda
main_array_1 = np.zeros((N * 64 * 64))
main_array_2 = np.zeros((N * 64 * 64))
def store_array(image, x_values, y_values, main_array):
sub_images = np.array(
[image[x : x + 64, y : y + 64] for x, y in zip(x_values, y_values)]
flattened_sub_arrays = sub_images.ravel()
main_array[: len(flattened_sub_arrays)] = flattened_sub_arrays
return main_array
def store_array_numba(image, x_values, y_values, main_array):
for i in prange(len(x_values)):
x = x_values[i]
y = y_values[i]
idx = 64 * 64 * i
for j in range(64):
main_array[idx + 64 * j : idx + 64 * (j + 1)] = image[x + j, y : y + 64]
main_array_1 = store_array(image, x_values, y_values, main_array_1)
store_array_numba(image, x_values, y_values, main_array_2)
assert np.allclose(main_array_1, main_array_2)
t1 = timeit(
"store_array(image, x_values, y_values, main_array_1)",
t2 = timeit(
"store_array_numba(image, x_values, y_values, main_array_2)",
print(f"time normal = {t1}")
print(f"time numba = {t2}")
time normal = 0.0057696549920365214
time numba = 0.001736361999064684
Have you used a profiler to figure out which part of this code takes the longest to run, and where there might be room for improvement?
Well. I just calculated the time for those 3 lines of code. I thought there may alternatives.
‘sliding windows view’ might be useful here. Use it make all (64,64) blocks, and then select 50 of them for further processing.
is most likely the big time consumer. It iterates on 50. It is possible to construct advanced indexing arrays that do thaat indexing, x_values+64,64)
would be a start.