Enabling local gpu for jupyter notebook. Unable to install tensorflow 2.3.0

I have geforce gtx 1650 gpu in my windows 10 pro laptop. I want to enable gpu while I work in jupyter notebook. According to a resource it said
— the GeForce GTX 1650 is supported by cuDNN 7.6, Cuda 10.1 and Tensorflow 2.3.0; —

For these versions python must be 3.6 to 3.8.
I have installed python 3.8.7.

How do I open jupyter lab/notebook here? Then how to install tensorflow 2.3.0?

Before I did all this the jupyter notebook command worked fine.

To reduce python version in jupyter lab, I tried deactivating conda version and I got this.
enter image description here

enter image description here

Now I cant open notebook from anaconda prompt. I want to open it and install tensorflow 2.3.0 and most importantly enable my laptop gpu to use in it.

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