I have a .io map that I need to download data 2013-2015 from : https://fogocruz.github.io/mapafc/
I’d like to download such data in a way that I could plot it in R, so that I could then cross it with some latitude/longitude data that I have, using the SF package. I managed to download the .kml of the entire state of Rio, but I couldnt download the data of the marked areas in this website.,
I have tried to scrape the index.html from their github (https://github.com/fogocruz/mapafc/blob/main/index.html), unsuccesfully.
Is there any way for me to download the data in there from 2013-2015 as, preferrably, a KML? So that I could plot points over the map and cross-check them.
How did you fail to scrape the data? It is all in the index file, as JSON data inside a <script> tag. You could also try adding an issue to the site asking nicely for the source data.