Customizing Legend Border Color in eCharts4r Plot

I am working on an echarts4r plot where I have customized symbols, and I want the legend to match these symbols along with specific border colors. The plot is based on the following example data:


the_data <- data.frame(
  key = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"), 
  group = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"), 
  x = c(0.495, -0.466, 0.85, 1.06, -0.441, 0.395), 
  y = c(1.06, 0.82, 3.76,3.17, 0.49, 2.67), 
  color = c("#FFFF00", "#FFA500", "#FFFF00", "#FFA500", "#FFFF00", "#FFA500"), 
  symbolSize = c(15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15), 
  borderColor = c("#FF0000", "#0000FF", "#FF0000", "#0000FF", "#FF0000", "#0000FF"), 
  symbol = c("rect", "rect", "circle", "circle", "diamond", "path://M27,34.44 L29.87,29.47 L24.13,29.47 Z"

If I generate the plot without configuring the legend, there is a discrepancy between the elements in the plot and the legend.

the_data %>%
  dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
  echarts4r::e_chart(x) %>%
                       itemStyle = list(borderWidth = 2)) %>%
  echarts4r::e_add_unnested("symbol", symbol) %>%
  echarts4r::e_add_unnested("symbolSize", symbolSize) %>%
  echarts4r::e_add_nested("itemStyle", color, borderColor)

enter image description here

Subsequently, I attempted to configure the legend. While I managed to successfully define the shapes and colors for the legend, I encountered challenges in setting the borderColor specifically for the legend items. The current approach involves utilizing borderColor within the itemStyle. An alternative method explored was using echarts4r::e_add_nested("itemStyle", color, borderColor), which had already been employed for implementing borderColor in echarts4r::e_scatter(). However, it seems to have no discernible effect in the context of the legend customization.

legend_data <- the_data %>% 
  dplyr::distinct(group, color, borderColor, symbol) %>% 

the_data %>%
  dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
  echarts4r::e_chart(x) %>%
                       itemStyle = list(borderWidth = 2)) %>%
  echarts4r::e_add_unnested("symbol", symbol) %>%
  echarts4r::e_add_unnested("symbolSize", symbolSize) %>%
  echarts4r::e_add_nested("itemStyle", color, borderColor) %>%
  echarts4r::e_color(color = legend_data$color) %>%
    itemWidth = 15,
    itemStyle = list(
      borderColor = legend_data$borderColor,
      borderWidth = 2,
      itemWidth = 15
    icons = legend_data$symbol

enter image description here

Any help is highly appreciated!

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