I am trying to cross-compile FFmpeg using the Android NDK and enable support for OpenSSL and libsrt. After separately compiling OpenSSL and libsrt, when configuring FFmpeg, pkg-config cannot correctly locate the installed OpenSSL and libsrt libraries.
Here are my compilation scripts.
OpenSSL 3.1.4
if [[ ! -d "./openssl" ]]; then
git clone --depth 1 --branch openssl-3.1.4 https://github.com/openssl/openssl.git
cd openssl
export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/home/albert/workspace/DevKit/android/SDK/ndk/25.1.8937393/
rm -rf ./android
make clean
./Configure android-arm64 \
-D__ANDROID_API__=28 \
make -j $(grep "cpu cores" /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)
make install
cd ..
libsrt 1.5.3
if [[ ! -d "./srt" ]]; then
git clone --depth 1 --branch v1.5.3 https://github.com/Haivision/srt.git
export OpenSSL_INSTALL_DIR=$PWD/openssl/android/arm64-v8a
cd srt
rm -rf ./android
make clean
./configure --use-enclib=openssl \
--use-openssl-pc=OFF \
--CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$PWD/install/android/arm64-v8a \
--CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PWD/install/android/arm64-v8a \
--CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK=/home/albert/workspace/DevKit/android/SDK/ndk/25.1.8937393 \
--enable-c++11 \
--enable-stdcxx-sync \
--enable-debug=2 \
--enable-logging=0 \
--enable-heavy-logging=0 \
make -j $(grep "cpu cores" /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)
make install
cd ..
Then I put those install dir to PKG_CONFIG_PATH
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:$PWD/openssl/android/arm64-v8a/lib/pkgconfig:$PWD/srt/install/android/arm64-v8a/lib/pkgconfig
Upon testing, both OpenSSL and SRT can successfully retrieve the version and corresponding linking symbols.
But, When I’m going to configure FFmpeg, Error Occurred
My FFmpeg configurtion script
./configure \
--prefix=$PWD/android/arm64-v8a \
--disable-neon \
--disable-hwaccels \
--disable-gpl \
--disable-postproc \
--enable-static \
--enable-jni \
--disable-mediacodec \
--disable-decoder=h264_mediacodec \
--disable-doc \
--disable-programs \
--disable-ffmpeg \
--disable-ffplay \
--disable-ffprobe \
--disable-avdevice \
--disable-symver \
--cross-prefix=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/llvm- \
--target-os=android \
--arch=arm64 \
--cpu=armv8-a \
--cc=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/aarch64-linux-android$API-clang \
--cxx=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/aarch64-linux-android$API-clang++ \
--enable-cross-compile \
--sysroot=$TOOLCHAIN/sysroot \
--enable-version3 \
--enable-openssl \
--enable-libsrt \
--extra-cflags="-DVK_ENABLE_BETA_EXTENSIONS=0 -mno-stackrealign -Os -fpic -march=armv8-a " \
--extra-ldflags="" \
ERROR: srt >= 1.3.0 not found using pkg-config
require_pkg_config libsrt srt >= 1.3.0 srt/srt.h srt_socket
check_pkg_config libsrt srt >= 1.3.0 srt/srt.h srt_socket
test_pkg_config libsrt srt >= 1.3.0 srt/srt.h srt_socket
false --exists --print-errors srt >= 1.3.0
ERROR: srt >= 1.3.0 not found using pkg-config
If only enable OpenSSL, then get Error
ERROR: OpenSSL <3.0.0 is incompatible with the gpl
check_pkg_config openssl openssl >= 3.0.0 openssl/ssl.h OPENSSL_init_ssl
test_pkg_config openssl openssl >= 3.0.0 openssl/ssl.h OPENSSL_init_ssl
false --exists --print-errors openssl >= 3.0.0
ERROR: OpenSSL <3.0.0 is incompatible with the gpl