Creating relational combo box filters in MS Access

I am trying to create relational combo box filter in the MS Access forms. I have 2 columns one is GP and another column is Practice. If I select a GP from the combo box filter the 2nd filter related to practices need to display only the practices related to this particular GP but give the results of all GP’s related to the particular Practice. But I am not getting the results as expected. Any help is very much appreciated.

Below is the example of the data and output:

Raw Data:

Name    Practice
John  Practice_ABC
Sam   Practice_ABC
Paul  Practice_XYZ
Ana   Practice_XYZ
Ani   Practice_XYZ
Maria Practice_123


If I have selected John from GP (Name) combo box filter the 2nd filter (Practice) need to show the value “Practice_ABC” only and the results in the MS Access split form table need to display only the records below:

Name    Practice
John  Practice_ABC
Sam   Practice_ABC

I have tried to develop this code in vba but it gives the error below:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub cmbGP_AfterUpdate()

' Filter the practices combo box based on the selected GP
    Me.CmbPractice.RowSource = "SELECT DISTINCT [Practice] FROM kontakt_info WHERE [Name] = '" & Me.CmbGP & "';"

End Sub

Private Sub cmbPractice_AfterUpdate()
    Dim selectedGP As String
    Dim selectedPractice As String

    ' Get the selected GP and practice
    selectedGP = Me.CmbGP.Value
    selectedPractice = Me.CmbPractice.Value

    ' Check for null or empty values
    If IsNull(selectedGP) Or IsNull(selectedPractice) Or selectedGP = "" Or selectedPractice = "" Then
        ' Handle the case where either GP or practice is not selected
        MsgBox "Please select both a GP and a practice.", vbExclamation, "Selection Error"
        ' Filter the split form based on the selected GP and practice
        Me.Filter = "[Name] = '" & selectedGP & "' AND [Practice] = '" & selectedPractice & "';"
        Me.FilterOn = True
    End If
End Sub


Run-time error '3075':
Syntax error in query expression '[Name]' = 'John' AND [Practice] = 'Practice_ABC'';'.

  • Look correct to me. Did you check the column names?


  • There’s obviously an extra single quote in ‘[Name]’ = ‘John’ AND [Practice] = ‘Practice_ABC” .


  • NAME is a reserved word. Should not use reserved words as names. Better would be GPName. Also, better to filter on numeric keys instead of text. That would eliminate issue associated with apostrophe delimiters. Do you have lookup tables for GPs and Practices? Are you saving text instead of number keys into GP_Practices table?


  • Semicolon is not appropriate for Filter property expression as this is not a full SQL statement. Remove it.


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