Content Provider being re-rendering mulitple times in Next.js 13 application

I have a content provider for a simple shopping cart in my Next.js 13 app directory. The problem that i’m having is that the addToCart() function is being called numerous times each time i call the function. This causes issues particularly when i have a item quantity which increments each time addToCart() is called, thus giving the wrong quantity value.

function addToCart({ id, item_title, item_price, restrict: boolean }) {
   console.log("addToCart funtion hit")
   updateCart((prev) => {
     console.log("updateCart funtion hit")

The output in inspector reads like this:

addToCart funtion hit
updateCart funtion hit
updateCart funtion hit

If I add reactStrictMode: false to my next.congif.js config file, the function call is reduced to 1 indicating that is has to do when the component being rendered multiple times. I’ve read that setting reactStrictMode: false on next.config.js is bad practice, so was attempting to implement that setting for the only the test-cart.js component, but to no avail.

In the root of the directory i have a layout.tsx file which loads the test-cart.js like this:

"use client"

import './globals.css'
import { CountryCodeProvider } from '../context/countrycode';
import { CartContext, useCartState } from '../hooks/test-cart.js';

export default function RootLayout({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode
}) {

  const cartState = useCartState();
  cartState.restrict = false;

  return (
    <html lang="en">
              <CartContext.Provider value={cartState}>

and for test-cart.js i have the following code:

"use client"
import { useState, createContext, useContext } from 'react';

export const CartContext = createContext();

export function useCartState() {
  const [cart, updateCart] = useState(defaultCart);

  function addToCart({ id, item_title, item_price, restrict: boolean }) {
    console.log("addToCart funtion hit")
    updateCart((prev) => {
      console.log("updateCart funtion hit")

  return {
    restrict: false, 


export function useCart() {
  const cart = useContext(CartContext);
  return cart;

So i’ve attempted to implement cartState.restrict = false; but unfortunately it doesn’t work.

Keep in mind that i’ve stripped out most of the code to keep this example as small as possible.

I faced same issue before. only i do thing is add use effect.

try this…

insted of

updateCart((prev) => {
      console.log("updateCart funtion hit")

add useEffect()

useEffect(() => {
      console.log("updateCart function hit");
      updateCart((prev) => {
        // your update logic here
        return prev;
    }, []);

im not sure about this.but maybe this will help

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