Containers in AKS cannot access Azure resources (Failed to resolve URL)

I have an API server (Python Flask) hosted on AKS. When the service starts, it:

  1. Access Azure key-vault to get storage account connection string
  2. use the connection string to perform CRUD jobs on Azure storage account

PS. The whole system consists of ingress(clusterIP & loadbalancer), service (clusterIP), and my flask API

Then I deploy it to AKS, which works fine (except that the CPU usage is usually > 100%). Two days later, I noticed that the server started restarting over and over again.

The error message looks like this:
azure.core.exceptions.ServiceRequestError: <urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7fc1f5e0c550>: Failed to resolve '' ([Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution)

At first, I thought it was caused by key vault, so I put the connection string directly in my code. And same thing happened again, Failed to resolve '' ([Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution

After my first deployment, I did nothing to my AKS resources. Below is basic info about my AKS:
enter image description here

One possible root cause is that I set auto upgrade to enable.

Please give me some suggestions for debugging, thanks!

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