Confusing step in modular arithmetic proof [closed]

I’m trying to understand the steps in this proof that are boxed in yellow.

Suppose x = c is a solution to ax = b (mod M), which means (ac) mod M = b mod M. We want to prove that y = c mod M is also a solution.

The author multiplies both sides of y = c mod M by a, resulting in ay = a(c mod M). What I don’t understand is how the author claims the right-hand side becomes b mod M “since c is a solution”. Paying close attention to parentheses, I can see how (ac) mod M = b mod M, but this does not imply that a*(c mod M) = b mod M. I am confused by how an integer can be moved inside the modulo operator, since (ac) mod M != a*(c mod M). Am I missing something here? Proof

I can see how (ac) mod M = b mod M, but this does not imply that a*(c mod M) = b mod M. I am confused by how an integer can be moved inside the modulo operator, since (ac) mod M != a*(c mod M)

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  • In computer programming, mod is a binary operator. In mathematics, mod is a special type of equality, not an operator. In mathematics, a(c mod M) makes no sense. The mod M applies to the = symbol., not to the c.


  • How does a(c mod M) make no sense? a = 2 c = 2 M = 3 a (c mod M) = 2*(2 mod 3) = 2*2 = 4 Seems perfectly reasonable to me, regardless of whether we are talking about computer programming or “mathematics”.


  • In programming “2 mod 3” is 2. In mathematics, “2 mod 3” is not a thing. Rather “a = b (mod n)” means that “a = b + k*n” for some integer k. The operator is = (mod n)”, but the “mod n” part is written at the end rather than next to the = sign.


  • Thanks. So referring to the proof link in the original question, are you suggesting that the author is abusing notation when writing something like y = c mod M? Would it be more clear if the mod M was in parentheses, like y = c (mod M) ?


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