Cleanup backups with spatie/laravel-backup return error …mailbox database is offline

I have a laravel 8.75 project with spatie/laravel-backup 6.14.

Backups and cleanups works well until today.

Backups still works fine but cleanups return this error (on a notification email):

Expected response code 250 but got code "432", with message "432 4.3.2 STOREDRV; mailbox database is offline;
Failed to process message due to a transient exception with message [BeginDiagnosticData]Cannot open mailbox. 

The mailbox I use is reachable and I verified name and password.

I receive this error by email so the smtp configuration seems to be ok.

I have to precise that the cleaning is done well despite sending this error.

Moreover the backups success notifications are still sent.

I have no idea what is suddenly wrong…

Does anyone have an idea?

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