I’m new with langchain. Just a question:
I want to create an LLM chatbot where it has capabilities to read from knowledge base and remember session.
Currently, I’m using Langchain and Streamlit, but I have difficulty to combine both reading from knowledge base AND session. I can only choose one of those.
Here’s the code snippet for session mode:
def generate_response(query):
similar_responses = retrieve_info(query)
response = chain.run(question=query, rag_text=similar_responses)
return response
if user_input:
message(user_input, is_user=True)
# Add user message to chat history
# response = generate_response(message)
response = generate_response(st.session_state.messages[-1].content)
message(response, is_user=False)
I’m expecting the LLM can check the history first, then KB, then general knowledge. Example:
User: ‘My name is Alex.’
Bot : ‘Hi Alex, How can I help you?’
User: ‘Who is the most performing salesman this week?’
Bot : ‘Alejandro is the most performing sales this week.’
User: ‘What is my name?’
Bot : ‘Your name is Alex.’