Can I new a dynamic array in a program?

program test();
logic [7:0] a[];
a = new[10];

I try to new a dynamic array in a program, and I compiled it with VCS, but it failed.

The error shows that:

Following verilog source has syntax error : “”, 20: token is
a = new[10];

a = new[10];

This is a procedual statement, so it should be put within some kind of procedual block, e.g. initial block:

program test();
    logic [7:0] a[];
    initial begin
        a = new[10];

This has nothing to do with program blocks, which I suggest you avoid anyways.

You can new a dynamic array, but the constructor needs to be either in procedural code, or part of a variable declaration initialization.

module test;
  logic [7:0] a[];
  initial begin
    a = new[10];
  function automatic f;
    logic p7:0] b = new[10];
    b[2] = 3;

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