C project in NetBeans using GNU-C99 __flash qualifier causing “Unable to resolve identifier”

I have an avr-gcc project in NetBeans 18 with the C/C++ plugin (not CPPLite Kit but the one from the NetBeans 8.2 Plugin Portal) which works really well besides the GNU-C99 __flash qualifier (and possibly also other GNU-C99 qualifiers).

Using the __flash qualifier causes an error marker, for example:

const __flash Font *unifont = &unifontFont;

The marker says “Unable to resolve identifier unifont.”

Building the project in NetBeans works fine.

I have a “Tool Collection” in the GNU family with all the avr-* counterparts and in “Code Assistance -> C Compiler” I have “C Standard” C99.

Is there a way to tell the plugin that __flash is a valid qualifier or to use GNU-C99 by setting -std=gnu99 somewhere?

  • it is avr specific and it will not work with standard compiler


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