batch. if/else statements. wanting to go back if say user doesnt input and only presses enter [duplicate]

If a user were to press ENTER, then the else portion of the statement is ignored and the process ends and closes.

echo What would you like to do?

echo 1) Main Menu
echo 2) Controls
echo 3) Introduction 
echo 4) exit 

set "choice="
set/p choice=choice: 
pause \>nul

if %choice%== 1 goto mainmenu 
if %choice%== 2 goto Controls
if %choice%== 3 goto introduction
if %choice%== 4 goto eof1
if not defined "%choice%"=="" ( 
) else (
) goto options

I would prefer not to use the choice command.

  • Please consider choice which is designed for this task. Use the search facility for [batch-file] choice eg. Gerhard’s example or see the documentation – choice /? from the prompt.. With your code, if not defined "%choice%"=="" ( is completely wrong – if not defined choice ( would take the action if the response was [enter]. if "%choice%"=="" ( would do the same.


  • Do not use set /P and an environment variable with name choice. Use the Windows command CHOICE which is designed for a choice menu as described in my answer in full details on the referenced duplicate question.


A Quick and short answer is

if “%choice%” == ” ” call :options

Just a question and suggestion about the options below

echo What would you like to do?
pause>nul <————— why use pause?

when set /p does the same ? for a better look try using TITLE to output “what would you like to do” which cleans up the menu and places the question in the border title bar.


TITLE=”What would you like to do ?”
also put your set here

set choice= (to clear the last choice )

echo 1) Main Menu

echo 2) Controls

echo 3) Introduction

echo 4) exit

set /p choice=choice:

if %choice% == 1 goto mainmenu

if %choice% == 2 goto Controls

if %choice% == 3 goto introduction

if %choice% == 4 goto eof1

if not defined “%choice%” (
call :options
) else (
exit /b

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