batch file to delete a folder where the folder name is todays date

I have a process that creates a subfolder every day. The name of the folder is today’s date, for example, 2023-10-19

If todays date is a public holiday I want to delete the folder with today’s date as the name. I have tried the following code, but it fails, and to be honest, I have no idea why. It’s not my code and I dont understand it at all.

Thanks in advance.

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

REM Set the folder path where the "test" folder is located
set "parentFolder=L:\test"

REM Set the folder name to delete (same as the date)
set "folderToDelete=%date:~10%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%"

REM Set the list of target dates (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
set "targetDates=2023-10-19"

REM Check if today's date exists in the target dates list
if not "%targetDates%"=="%targetDates: % %g" (
    for %%D in (%targetDates%) do (
        if "%%D"=="%folderToDelete%" (
            REM Delete the folder within the "test" folder
            set "folderPath=%parentFolder%\test\%folderToDelete%"
            if exist "!folderPath!" (
                rd /s /q "!folderPath!"
                echo Folder "!folderPath!" deleted.
            goto :end

Any help greatly appreciated.

  • 1

    I’m not sure what %targetDates: % %g is supposed to be, but that’s definitely the wrong number of percent signs.


  • I recommend reading the answers on question Time is set incorrectly after midnight and use the ROBOCOPY solution for getting current date in format yyyy-MM-dd. The question cannot be answer because of the code is not a minimal, reproducible example. The format of the dynamic variable DATE depends on configured country/region of the used account. The environment variable targetDates: with a colon and a space at end of the variable name is not defined at all in the code. Is %g a loop variable reference with a missing % and loop?


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