AWS service to deploy and run a small-scale desktop app with GUI

I’ve built a small windows desktop application with GUI using python.
I want to share the executable with my team so they could use the application in a restricted, secured, accessible and most importantly easy way via AWS.

could you please recommend on what is a good option for my case?

I tried to use a service that is called AppStream but it is too expansive, and incredibly slow when using it on demand (more than 5 minutes until the app starts.
I saw that there is a service that is called Elastic Beanstalk but I struggled with the configuration and didn’t want to continue without making sure it is the right tool.

  • it depends on what platform


  • it on windows, sorry for forgetting to mention.


  • AWS Lightsail with a Windows instance and remote desktop might work, but I haven’t tried to use it behind a VPN/VPC.


  • 1

    Why do you want your users to run the app on a remote machine rather than on their own local machine, given that it’s a desktop gui?


  • Maybe its really not a good practice. the application started as such desktop app that other users could run from their machines. But we decided that we don’t want them to have access to the executable, in terms of sharing it, for security reasons


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