Aws disaster recovery scenario for nat gateways ip addresses

I have NAT gateways with very important IP addresses that are allowed to access some government sites. It can take a few weeks to approve a new address to gain access. Here is my question: Is there an option, in case of a disaster, to have the same NAT gateway addresses in another region, or at least in the same region?

The documentation states that NAT gateway addresses are generated randomly and cannot be selected, but perhaps there is a solution.

  • NAT Gateways MUST have an Elastic IP associated, and the EIP is, by its nature, persistent and can subsequently be reassociated with another NAT Gateway in the same region.


  • What about another region?


  • You cannot move an EIP between regions, but you cannot lose an EIP because it’s a completely virtual entity. I guess you can only lose it if Amazon decides to completely delete an entire region from the global infrastructure or if you disable that region from your account.


  • if in case of disaster when the whole region is not enable or AWS account was hacked and all resources were deleted , is there any option to reserve the ip addresses?


  • 1

    @matisa it is indeed possible inside the same region and the same account, just like the ec2 instances.


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