Automatically update a field after having filled another field

I’m very new to Strapi and I’m a self-taught developer, so please bear with me if it’s not a very intelligent question.

I’m on Strapi v4.15.4 (node v20.8.0) and I have an article collection type with 3 numeric attributes number1, number2 and total.

What I’m trying to do is to automatically update the total attribute, summing number1 and number2, every time number1 or number2 is updated.

So far, I was able to edit src\api\article\content-types\article\lifecycles.js as follow:

module.exports = {
    async beforeCreate(event) {
      if ( { = +;
    async beforeUpdate(event) {
      if ( { = +;

The code above actually works when I click the ‘Save’ button, when creating/editing an entry in the article collection type, from the admin panel. However I can’t find a way to make it work right after updating the number1 or number2 attributes.

Any advice is very much appreciated. Thank you.

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