It’s hard to find a way to searching for a file in my PC with a given name and ext in AutoHotkey v2.
Many examples for v1.
After some time and searches, I build this Func I leave here for others.
I don’t have 1500 rep min to add new Tag, but this shoud be tagged as AutoHotkey_v2
to specify during searches: In Tags, only autohotkey is present with more than 4.6k questions!
FileToFind := "FILENAME.EXT" ; The file to find
FileFoundedWithCompletePath := FindFileWithCompleteName(FileToFind) ; Call Func passing the sting
FindFileWithCompleteName(FileNameToFind) {
Loop Parse DriveGetList() { ; 1st Loop: Into all Dives.
PcDisks := (a_loopfield) ; Start w/first Drive found.
Loop Files, PcDisks ":\*.*", "DFR" { ; 2nd Loop: Recurse into all Files, Folders and Subfolders in Dive.
if A_LoopFileName == FileNameToFind { ; If find a file with same name and ext passed to the Func:
FileNameToFind := A_LoopFileFullPath ; fill Var with the full path, name and ext.
return FileNameToFind ; return: FileFoundedWithCompletePath contains the file find with his complete path.
Is it the best way to achieve this? Wait for an answer, tnx.