app.module.ts not showing up in the src/app directory in angular

I am trying to generate a new angular project and I noticed that my app.module is not being generated. I have updated node version and npm and everything that could be related but still the app.module is not being generated. I have done this before so I don’t understand what is the problem.
Does anyone else have the same issue?

nvm install –lts
nvm use –lts
nvm alias default ‘lts/*’

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
npm cache verify
npm install -g @angular/cli

And I have tried regenerating multiple projects.

Angular v17 onwards, standalone is default via CLI

This means when you create a new project it won’t have any modules in it

As a workaround it is possible to create a module-based app by using the --no-standalone flag: ng new --no-standalone which will create an app.modules.ts in your project

Try using the below command via CLI when generating the module :

ng new myNewApp --no-standalone

First, open command prompt or cmd
And type the word

ng version 

and see if you can find an answer
Does it mean that Angular is installed in your system?

If it was installed, you can easily create an Angular project with the simple command

ng new nameApp

If Angular was not installed in your system, you received an error by typing the ng version command in cmd
According to this documentation, coordinate the version of node with the desired angular version and install the command

npm install -g @angular/cli 

Angular and create your own project.

Of course, the same problem happened to me once when I wanted to update the Angular version of the system
The commands I gave were executed correctly, but when I typed the ng version command, no output came
I Restarted the system and it was fixed

I hope it was useful

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