Android IAP verification serverside

Google deprecated the API section in the Dev Play Console and i cannot get the new cloud API to work

php serverside looks like this

    $client = new Google_Client();
    $service = new Google_Service_AndroidPublisher($client);
    $purchase = $service->purchases_products->get("", "premium", $receipt);

i created an service account and activated the Google Play Android Developer API with the same account i have access to the Dev Play Console

Did you face the same issue? Please help, i also coudnt find any recent tutorial, all the ones i found still have the API section in the Dev Play Console.

this was the most recent tutorial i could find which is already outdated, under “grant access” there are only Roles i can grant, one of them is “Finacial Services Admin” and none seems app or google play related

official doc is here cant do step 5 because i either dont know where to find it or it was removed (more likely)

I suspect that the Roles are key but i have no clue which and i dont find any good tutorial/documentation

  • What is the error message?


  • Different, somtimes Permission denied, currently its invalid authentication, but thats an IAM issue i think.


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