I have xtext language server project configured to build with maven. With the default dependencies, the project build is working fine with
mvn clean install -U -Dmaven.test.skip=true
But now I need to add commons-math3 as a dependency. I have added the following to xtext’s pom.xml
When I run the above maven command, I see that the jar files are downloaded in ~/.m2/repositories
But when I try to use it in my code, the imports are not resolved:
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation;
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.RotationOrder;
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
I need to “search repositories “org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed'” and select the found artifact to the target platform (though I am not sure what does this actually do — git status
does not show changes in any of the files).
After this, I need to add the package to MANIFEST.MF
Require-Bundle: org.apache.commons.math3;bundle-version="3.6.1"
Import-Package: org.apache.commons.math3;bundle-version="3.6.1"
After this I am able to run the IDE project from Eclipse with “run as Eclipse application”, and everything works as expected. But at this stage if I run the maven command, I get the error:
[ERROR] Cannot resolve project dependencies:
[ERROR] Software being installed: com.example.xtext 1.0.0.qualifier
[ERROR] Missing requirement: org.example.xtext 1.0.0.qualifier requires 'osgi.bundle; org.apache.commons.math3 3.6.1' but it could not be found
Do I need to add <repository>
in pom.xml? But the jar is downloaded, meaning it has been properly located. Or am I missing something in the <build>
stage in pom.xml?
Edit 1: If I start with a clean maven project (without xtext), adding the dependency works without any additional steps. So some configuration in xtext is not allowing the dependency to be found.
Edit 2: In some old project I found that the external dependencies have be installed in ~/.m2/repository/p2/osgi/bundle/
folder. Is that the only way for a dependency to be found?
You should not use
you should remove that simply.sorry I was just fooling around. Even after removing it I get the same error
Am I right assuming the nature of your project is an OSGI bundle? My experiences with OSGI are limited and I never found out how Maven and OSGI go well together. I remember that besides adding a dependency to the MANIFEST the JAR itself has to be added to a specific directory. Check whether you find that directory and try adding your JAR to this directory. If this works maybe you’ll find a mechanism that this happens automatically.
if you want to use maven artifacts in eclipse code you need to do this one: läubisoft.gmbh/en/articles/…
but as commons math is already there: download.eclipse.org/tools/orbit/simrel/orbit-aggregation/… you can use that one in your target directly