If you are looking for tv tropes portal 2, simply check out our links below :
1. Portal 2 (Video Game) – TV Tropes
Portal 2 is a sequel to the game Portal. It picks up the story of Chell an unspecified number of years after the events of the first game. The Aperture Science …
2. Portal / Characters – TV Tropes
Portal 2 · Affably Evil: For an AI-turned-psychotic-junkie trying to murder you, he sure is likable. · A God Am I: Becomes an egomaniac after being plugged into …
3. Portal 2 / YMMV – TV Tropes
“Rick” the corrupted Adventure …
4. Portal 2 / Funny – TV Tropes
This is a Moments subpage for Portal 2. There are major spoilers beyond this point, all of which are unmarked as per policy. In addition, there are quotes …
5. Portal 2 / Awesome – TV Tropes
This is a Moments subpage for Portal 2. There are major spoilers beyond this point, all of which are unmarked as per policy. Venture further only if you …
6. Portal 2 / Trivia – TV Tropes
A page for describing Trivia: Portal 2. Actor Allusion: Nolan North voices some defective turrets and personality cores. One of them, a manly action-hero …
7. Portal 2: The (Unauthorized) Musical (Theatre) – TV Tropes
Portal 2: The (Unauthorized) Musical contains examples of: · Wheatley refers to his attack mode as the “boss battle sequence” and complains about having to fall …
8. Portal / Nightmare Fuel – TV Tropes
Portal 2. When GladOS first wakes up and the first thing she says is “Oh, it’s you,” in the coldest, most hate-filled tone she ever speaks throughout the two games.
9. Portal 2 / Headscratchers – TV Tropes
In Portal 2 it’s revealed that cores are foreign A.I.s attached to GLaDOS in an attempt to control her. So why in Portal 1 did destroying all of GLaDOS’ …
10. Portal / Tear Jerker – TV Tropes
Portal 2 makes it worse, with GLaDOS claiming that the companion cubes are sentient. This is right after she vaporizes two or three cubes in a single test chamber.
11. Portal (Video Game) – TV Tropes
Portal 2 introduces a few major characters and explores in greater depth the history and workings of Aperture Science, as well as the origins and character of …
12. Portal 2 / Awesome Music – TV Tropes
Note: Unlike most other games listed under Awesome Music, the OST for Portal 2 is available for free directly from Valve!note And unlike some other …