Google Cloud Build unable to fetch firebase for function deployment

I have the following very small cloudbuild.yaml file:

- name: ''
  - deploy
  - --only functions
  - --project=myproject

I also setup a cloud build trigger to run whenever I push a change to my repo. Builds trigger succesfully however, in the logs I see the following:

Pulling image: Using default tag: latest
Error response from daemon: Head
“”: name unknown:
Repository “” not found

The build retries precisely 10 times and ends with the following error:

ERROR: failed to pull because we ran out of retries. ERROR ERROR:
build step 0 “” failed: error pulling
build step 0 “”: generic::unknown: retry
budget exhausted (10 attempts): step exited with non-zero status: 1

When I trigger the deployment locally with the following command it works fine :

firebase deploy --only functions

So I suspect I’m missing something with the yaml config and where the firebase functions are being fetched from.

  • Did you push your image to (I have my doubts)


  • @ravenwing I did not. but that’s supposed to be the firebase tool that actually helps deploy no?


  • But is you project ID really myproject?


  • @ravenwing no its not I changed it on the question to highlight that it is my project id.


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