How to create clean icons for java

I want to create some icons for my Java GUI, but they are always blurred when I display them in a very small size.

For example, I drew a cross with high resolution in Gimp. but when I resize the image in Java, it is blurred.

resized icon

  • 2

    Why don’t you just make them the right size in the first place?


  • 1

    You appear to be asking how to do anti-aliasing on resizing an already created image. The best answer is as per @g00se above. Create the right-sized image to begin with (or images, if multiple may be needed). Also, note what GUI library you’re using and best to show pertinent, preferably minimal reproducible example, code.


  • Note that you can find similar questions and answers in this Google search.


  • What Java GUI framework? JavaFX, Swing, SWT, Vaadin?


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