Object mapper for Mulesoft XML to Logic App

Does anyone have any suggestions to create a mapper object to convert Mulesoft XML / RAML to Azure Logic App? Any open source references in GitHub will be really helpful. Thanks..

  • No but why don’t you write one? Be the first …!


  • yes would definitely like to do that, but need some sort of guidance in terms of mule structure, how to go about, etc.. 🙂


  • The questions you answer tend to be about MS Azure configuration, pricing, infrastructure, and other cloud-related issues, instead of being practical programming problems. StackOverflow is meant to discuss only programming questions. Click here for more details. Please post your non-programming question on other platforms such as Serverfault , and Microsoft Q&A for immediate help. Thanks!


  • Recommendations and opinion-based questions are off-topic for Stackoverflow. Open, broad questions are also off-topic. Questions here should be focused and specific. Also you would should explain what do you mean by “convert Mulesoft XML / RAML to Azure Logic App”. It is not clear what you are trying to do. Please read How to Ask to improve the question.


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