Open Telemetry not exporting to Jaeger

I have open telemetry exporting traces to Jaeger for many Node.js services, however with python, its not working:

opentelemetry-instrument \  
    --traces_exporter console,otlp \
    --metrics_exporter console \
    --service_name llama-indexer \
    --exporter_otlp_protocol http/protobuf \
    --exporter_otlp_endpoint http://localhost:4318/v1/traces \

The traces log with no issue to the console, but do not show up at all in jaeger

I have the same endpoint for js traces, works just fine. Heres my docker container in case it helps
83bce0bb7a12 jaegertracing/all-in-one "/go/bin/all-in-one-…" About an hour ago Up About an hour 5775/udp, 5778/tcp, 14250/tcp,>4317-4318/tcp,>16686/tcp, 6831-6832/udp, 14268/tcp jaeger

Is there any way to get better observability into whats going wrong with the exporter, or anything obvious im missing

I tried many different parameters, I tried directly sending traces to datadog (didn’t work) I tried manually instrumenting the FastAPI.

I have also tried using GRPC exporter, and it works, but i need http.

  • This may be a bug, but for a start you’d have to extract a minimal reproducible example. Then, if it turns out to be a bug, file a report in the software’s bug tracker. Here, this seems rather off-topic, since you’re not programming something but just using some software.


This will require debugging. Can you try exporting to some other backend like SigNoz?
If you face any issues you can join SigNoz Slack community and ask question there.

If your opentelemetry collector is in a Docker container. Then it might be due to missing some Docker networking resources.

For me it works with docker-compose, but not with docker run ..., because compose automatically has a more open local network.

Issue was with my –exporter_otlp_endpoint value. I used http://localhost:4318/v1/traces which was incorrect (worked with grpc for some reason)

Switching to

--exporter_otlp_endpoint http://localhost:4318 \

Solved the issue.

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