How to pass ext glob into bash script from sh and then expand it

I have script



shopt -s nullglob
shopt -s extglob
for f in a/path/to/all/files/${files}; do
  echo "file process:${f}"
shopt -u nullglob
shopt -u extglob

When I run:./ "a*.txt", it will process the correct files in the folder.
When I run ./ "{a,1}*.txt", I want process files started with a*.txt or 1*.txt, but it didn’t run as I expected.

I have searched for quite a while, see




  • 2

    {a,1} is not an extglob, it is braces expansion. If you want extglob @(a|1)*.txt use extglob.


  • To expand on KamilCuk’s answer, look at the order of shell expansions — brace expansion happens before parameter expansion. You’ll need eval if you want to expand braces stored in a variable.


  • You can also use the standard glob [a1]*.txt instead of that particular brace expansion.


Not an answer. Quick demo of my comment:

$ ls
config.json  example.tcl  tests.toml
$ files="{e,t}*"
$ echo "$files"
$ declare -a x=( "$files" )
$ declare -p x
declare -a x=([0]="{e,t}*")
$ eval declare -a x=( "$files" )
$ declare -p x
declare -a x=([0]="example.tcl" [1]="tests.toml")

Of course, you don’t want to blindly eval any user input without thorough validation.

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