Changing value in data structure

I have a JSON structure where I need to substitute the value if a key named secured is set to the value 1. I’m doing this in jinja. An example of the JSON is this:


The JSON is dynamic. And when for example the “OperationgSystems.Ubuntu.Accounts.Test.Password” has the secured property set to 1 I want to change the value property 1231 to abc.

I have tried the following but this just outputs the same format and exact same data as the input. Do you have any idea on how to solve this problem?

{%- macro build_model(data, model_path) %}
    {%- for key, value in data.items() %}
        {%- if value is mapping %}
            {%- set _ = model_path.update({key: {}}) -%}
            {{ build_model(value, model_path[key]) }}
        {%- else %}
            {%- if value is mapping and 'secured' in value and value['secured'] == 1 %}
                {%- set _ = model_path.update({key: 'abc'}) -%}
            {%- elif value is mapping and 'value' in value %}
                {%- set _ = model_path.update({key: value['value']}) -%}
            {%- else %}
                {%- set _ = model_path.update({key: value}) -%}
            {%- endif %}
        {%- endif %}
    {%- endfor %}
{%- endmacro %}

{%- set inventory_model = {} %}
{{ build_model(props, inventory_model) }}

{{ inventory_model | tojson(indent=4) }}

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