I am developing a GUI with Nuxt UI 3 and use the table function .
There is a checkbox there to select individual rows. This is working quite well so far. In the header of the table there is a checkbox to select all rows of the table at the same time. Unfortunately this has no effect. I want to select rows and further process the data. Does somebody has any idea?
Here is the template.
<UTable v-model="selectedRows"
:ui="{ td: { base: 'max-w-[18rem]' }, th: { base: 'whitespace-nowrap' } }"
Here is the watch function that responds for individual selected rows but not for selectAll
watch(selectedRows, (newVal) => {
singleview = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newVal));
selectedobjects = singleview.map(d => d["Identifier"]);