Get zero or more length string by using sscanf

The following code:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
  char buf[80] = "salam";
  const char *fmt = "\"%79[^\"]\"";
  int n;

  n = sscanf("\"\"", fmt, buf);
  printf("%d fields were read. buf="%s"\n", n, buf);
  n = sscanf("\"hamidi\"", fmt, buf);
  printf("%d fields were read. buf="%s"\n", n, buf);


0 fields were read. buf=”salam”
1 fields were read. buf=”hamidi”

This indicates that the sscanf function can’t read empty strings with the specified format string. Is there a good replacement for the regex format string to read strings with length ZERO to at most 79 characters by the sscanf function? In another words, I expect the first sscanf insert ‘\0’ to buf[0] and return 1 instead of 0. Is there a way?

  • 2

    do not use scanf to get strings


  • regex format string The scanf family of functions don’t use regular expressions.


Indeed sscanf and friends cannot handle empty fields, and neither
can strtok. There is no direct alternative in the Standard library, but you can write a simple scanner with a loop or using strchr, strpbrk or strcspn.

Here is a simple example:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int scan_string(char *dest, size_t size, const char *src, const char **endp) {
    if (*src++ != '"') {
        // no string delimiter
        return 0;
    size_t len = strcspn(src, "\"");
    if (src[len] != '"') {
        // no matching string delimiter
        return 0;
    if (endp) {
        *endp = src + len + 1;
    if (size > 0) {
        if (len >= size)
            len = size - 1;
        memcpy(dest, src, len);
        dest[len] = '\0';
    return 1;

void test(const char *src) {
    char buf[80] = "<unchanged>";
    const char *end = "<unchanged>";
    int n = scan_string(buf, sizeof buf, src, &end);
    printf("src: '%s', n: %d, buf: '%s', end: '%s'\n",
           src, n, buf, end);

int main(void) {
    test("\"Hello\" \"world\"");
    test("\"Hello world\\n\"");
    return 0;


src: '', n: 0, buf: '<unchanged>', end: '<unchanged>'
src: '"', n: 0, buf: '<unchanged>', end: '<unchanged>'
src: '""', n: 1, buf: '', end: ''
src: '''', n: 0, buf: '<unchanged>', end: '<unchanged>'
src: '"hamidi"', n: 1, buf: 'hamidi', end: ''
src: '"Hello" "world"', n: 1, buf: 'Hello', end: ' "world"'
src: '"\""', n: 1, buf: '\', end: '"'
src: '"Hello world\n"', n: 1, buf: 'Hello world\n', end: ''

Here is a slightly more complicated version that handles some \ sequences and different separators:

int scan_string(char *dest, size_t size, const char *src, const char **endp) {
    char sep = *src++;
    char ch;
    size_t i = 0;

    // handle both single and double quotes
    if (sep != '"' && sep != '\'')
        return 0;
    while ((ch = *src++) != sep) {
        if (ch == '\0') {
            if (i < size)
                dest[i] = '\0';
            return 0;
        if (ch == '\\' && *src != '\0') {
            switch (ch = *src++) {
            case 'f': ch="\f"; break;
            case 'n': ch="\n"; break;
            case 'r': ch="\r"; break;
            case 't': ch="\t"; break;
            case 'v': ch="\v"; break;
            // handle octal and hex sequences...
            default: ch = *src++; break;
        if (i + 1 < size)
            dest[i++] = ch;
    if (i < size)
        dest[i] = '\0';
    if (endp)
        *endp = src;
    return 1;


src: '', n: 0, buf: '<unchanged>', end: '<unchanged>'
src: '"', n: 0, buf: '', end: '<unchanged>'
src: '""', n: 1, buf: '', end: ''
src: '''', n: 1, buf: '', end: ''
src: '"hamidi"', n: 1, buf: 'hamidi', end: ''
src: '"Hello" "world"', n: 1, buf: 'Hello', end: ' "world"'
src: '"\""', n: 0, buf: '"', end: '<unchanged>'
src: '"Hello world\n"', n: 1, buf: 'Hello world
', end: ''

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