Form field within a paragraph of a pdf. It’s possible?

I have a pdf file that I want to convert into a form so I can edit it easier. I already saw how to add text fields but I would like to know if it is possible to add text fields within a paragraph, so the text is fenced adapting to how long the value of the field is and it looks better

I am using Adobe Acrobat pro, but if i need another program i can use it.

  • Generally you should avoid dynamics in a PDF as it just causes problems for others. The concept of a field is it is not in the page but outside it with a reference inside the page to what data can be shown in a box or by a fixed number of characters or a tick or a selection from a dropdown. So the page text can even spill behind the field no problem as there is no interaction whatsoever. Now I am specifically avoiding DYMAMIC Adobe only XFA forms which are downrated as not ISO standard baseline PDF constructions thus to be reduced / removed where possible, as non working in many PDF readers


  • What you need to understand is that data field as not as well defined in style when it comes into a reader so if it spans more than one line high it will often be distorted by the reading editor and cause multiple problems see and several other related issues including where text cannot be seen due to reader rescaling


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