Google Drive API in UWP

I looked for a solution in Google about using Google Drive API in UWP.
I saw this article, and the accepted solution is short – doesn’t work as it is in UWP apps.

I tried to create a new class and it did work.

//StorageFile tempfile = Credentials location
var credential = GoogleCredential.FromFile(tempfile.Path)
.CreateScoped(new[] { DriveService.ScopeConstants.DriveFile });

var service = new DriveService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
    HttpClientInitializer = credential,
    ApplicationName = "App name"

after that, I could use Drive API to upload and download. All I needed to do – was make everything as Task.

For example –

using (var stream = tempfile.OpenStreamForReadAsync().Result)
    var request = service.Files.Create(fileMetadata, stream, "application/octet-stream");

    var uploadedFile = request.ResponseBody;
    Debug.WriteLine($"File uploaded: {uploadedFile.Name} ({uploadedFile.Id})");

I used .Result and .AsTask().Wait() instead of await and AsTask().Result in any function.
Did it work only in debug? or now it supports?

sorry about my English

  • Never used UWP, so no idea if that will cause any issues, but I wrote a package to ease the (considerable) pain when using Google Drive. There’s a Nuget package available for it. Maybe see if that helps.


  • The Google API dotnet client library doesn’t support up authorization


  • 1

    @LindaLawton-DaImTo well, I just succeeded in uploading a file and downloading it in UWP and


  • @AvrohomYisroel this package work on uwp?


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