I have a classic ASP application which can download the .cer file, now it needs to display the common name and issuer under the download link. So I try<%=theCert.SubjectCN%>
, <%=theCert.IssuerCN%>
and <%= Request.ClientCertificate("IssuerCN") %>
. However they both cannot display the value.
<% dim fs,uploadFilePath,uploadPath, theCert %>
<% set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
theCert=uploadFilePath & uploadPath & "\" & "appCert.cer" %>
<% if (fs.FileExists(server.mappath(uploadFilePath & uploadPath & "\" & "appCert.cer"))) then %>
<a href="<%=uploadFilePath & uploadPath & "\" & "appCert.cer"%>">appCert.cer</a> <!-- click the link to download the .cer file-->
<br />
Common Name: <%=theCert.SubjectCN%> <!-- does not show the common name -->
<br />
Issuer: <%=theCert.IssuerCN%> <!-- does not show the issuer -->
<br />
<%= Request.ClientCertificate("IssuerCN") %> <!-- other try to display IssuerCN but does not show-->
the appCert.cer does not exist
end if
About the .cer file, I do a research on the Internet and get confuse whether the .cer file is x.509 certificate or not because when I open it in notepad and find it looks like MIIFtDCCBJygAwIBAgIULS2ojxxTN+
(very long text).
In that case may I know how to display the common name and the issuer’s value? I try to display those values but not successful, may I seek your advice about the issue please. Thank you.
Where did you get this information or are you just randomly trying stuff? The
object inScripting.FileSystemObject
does not have aSubjectCN
property. You want to tryRequest.ServerVariables("CERT_ISSUER")