I’m trying to implement drag-and-drop functionality using SwiftUI’s onDrop modifier. However, I’m encountering a type mismatch issue when using the onDrop modifier. The error suggests that I’m passing an array [YourDataType] instead of the expected Binding.
The error message is: “Cannot convert value of type ‘[YourDataType]’ to expected argument type ‘Binding'”. Below is the relevant code snippet:
ForEach(inputList, id: \.displayName) { v in
HStack {
// ... other HStack content ...
Button(action: {
inputSchemaItemId = v.schemaItemId
}) {
Image(systemName: inputImageSystemName(v: v)).frame(width: 8, height: 8).foregroundColor(iconColor)
}.onDrop(of: [UTType.text], isTargeted: nil) { providers, location in
// Error occurs here
inputSchemaItemId = v.schemaItemId
return true
} { providers, location in
// Handle the dropped data
I’ve attempted to directly use inputList in the onDrop closure, but it seems that I need to provide a binding instead.
How can I properly use a binding in the onDrop closure with my current code structure?
Are there any modifications needed in the ForEach loop or the onDrop closure to resolve this type mismatch?
You have two closures for onDrop