I’m beginner to data-modelisation.
I’m trying to follow a star model approach, but I’m blocked with a part of my data model
The original model is the following
A company has 0 or multiples regions
A region has 0 or multiples departments
A departement has 0 or multiple sites
Multiple departments can be grouped inside a “branch” (not mandatory)
And my main table (fact table), “Records” are linked to 1 mandatory site.
I was doing a dimension table with that :
- SiteId
- SiteLabel
- BranchId?
- BranchLabel?
- DepartmentId
- DepartmentLabel
- RegionId
- RegionLabel
- CompanyId
But I’m not sure, shouldn’t I divide this table in multiple tables ?
My uses cases are to sometimes filter by branch, sometimes by site, sometimes multiples regions accross multiple companies etc in PowerBI
Thank you
What is the issue with your current design that makes you think you need to split up your dimension table?