I have added a second form to my app, and it scrolls off the screen to the left in the simulator, leaving a blank form on the screen. In the attached code my call from the splash screen menu is shown first, then my class. I do not see what is flushing my form, as Shai identified what was probably happening with my first form, and I do not know what I did to stop the first form from scrolling off. Does anyone see my error? Thanks.
// Call on Splash Screen
public boolean openField2() throws IOException {
Form mbd = new MoveByDrag();
return false;
// New Form
package com.kcconsulting.soccersession.ui;
import com.codename1.components.ScaleImageLabel;
import com.codename1.ui.*;
import com.codename1.ui.layouts.*;
import com.codename1.io.Log;
import java.io.IOException;
import static com.codename1.ui.CN.getCurrentForm;
import static com.codename1.ui.layouts.BoxLayout.Y_AXIS;
import com.codename1.ui.table.TableLayout;
public class MoveByDrag extends Form {
Form playfield = new Form();
Container controls = new Container();
Container field = new Container();
Image img30;
public MoveByDrag() throws IOException {
TableLayout t2 = new TableLayout(2, 1);
playfield.getToolbar().addMaterialCommandToSideMenu(" Design by Coordinates",
FontImage.MATERIAL_CHECK, 4, e -> {
// Rebuild Menu after stopping Scroll to blank screen
playfield.add(t2.createConstraint().heightPercentage(10).widthPercentage(100), controls);
playfield.add(t2.createConstraint().heightPercentage(90).widthPercentage(100), field);
//Build Drag and Drop
public void drop(Component dragged, int x, int y) {
int i = playfield.getComponentIndex(dragged);
if(i > -1) {
Component dest = playfield.getComponentAt(x, y);
if(dest != dragged) {
int destIndex = playfield.getComponentIndex(dest);
if(destIndex > -1 && destIndex != i) {
// playfield.setComponentIndex(dragged,destIndex);
} else {
Container oldParent = dragged.getParent();
if(oldParent != null) {
Component pos = playfield.getComponentAt(x, y);
i = playfield.getComponentIndex(pos);
if(i > -1) {
playfield.addComponent(i, dragged);
} else {
I just tried this variation of your code:
TableLayout t2 = new TableLayout(2, 1);
Form playfield = new Form(t2);
Container controls = new Container();
Container field = new Container();
playfield.add(t2.createConstraint().heightPercentage(10).widthPercentage(100), controls);
playfield.add(t2.createConstraint().heightPercentage(90).widthPercentage(100), field);
It didn’t scroll to the side or have any problem I could see. It should be functionally identical. Can you provide screenshots or a video illustrating what you’re seeing?
Shai, Thanks for the response. I ran with the blue background you did, and added my field background, and took videos of both. How can I get the videos to you? Could it be something that needs to be rebuilt in IntelliJ?
Simplest method is to upload to youtube as unlisted video and include the links here. Also explain the problem in case it isn’t obvious from the video.