Azure Form Recognizer – to read all PDF files(Custom format)

Can anyone point/guide me as to how to use a Trained model to extract data from custom PDF using Azure form recognizer via Python. I have the Python code that the trained model has generated. I then used it by setting the correct parameters but unfortunately I am not able to successfully read this. Any pointers please.

(Note – I have been through all StackOverflow related questions but none of them answers it clearly on my scenario)

This code sample shows Custom Extraction Model operations with the Azure Form Recognizer client library. 
The async versions of the samples require Python 3.6 or later.

To learn more, please visit the documentation - Quickstart: Form Recognizer Python client library SDKs

from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential
from import DocumentAnalysisClient

Remember to remove the key from your code when you're done, and never post it publicly. For production, use
secure methods to store and access your credentials. For more information, see


document_analysis_client = DocumentAnalysisClient(
    endpoint=endpoint, credential=AzureKeyCredential(key)

# Make sure your document's type is included in the list of document types the custom model can analyze
poller = document_analysis_client.begin_analyze_document_from_url(model_id, formUrl)
result = poller.result()

for idx, document in enumerate(result.documents):
    print("--------Analyzing document #{}--------".format(idx + 1))
    print("Document has type {}".format(document.doc_type))
    print("Document has confidence {}".format(document.confidence))
    print("Document was analyzed by model with ID {}".format(result.model_id))
    for name, field in document.fields.items():
        field_value = field.value if field.value else field.content
        print("......found field of type '{}' with value '{}' and with confidence {}".format(field.value_type, field_value, field.confidence))

# iterate over tables, lines, and selection marks on each page
for page in result.pages:
    print("\nLines found on page {}".format(page.page_number))
    for line in page.lines:
        print("...Line '{}'".format(line.content.encode('utf-8')))
    for word in page.words:
            "...Word '{}' has a confidence of {}".format(
                word.content.encode('utf-8'), word.confidence
    for selection_mark in page.selection_marks:
            "...Selection mark is '{}' and has a confidence of {}".format(
                selection_mark.state, selection_mark.confidence

for i, table in enumerate(result.tables):
    print("\nTable {} can be found on page:".format(i + 1))
    for region in table.bounding_regions:
        print("...{}".format(i + 1, region.page_number))
    for cell in table.cells:
            "...Cell[{}][{}] has content '{}'".format(
                cell.row_index, cell.column_index, cell.content.encode('utf-8')

I am using below to read contents of my blob

  • can you share your code, exactly what is the error?


  • 1

    Added the generated code to the actual post. I still trying to figure out how do I replace the formUrl. The Endpoint and key is fine – I got from Azure portal.


  • sure let me put an updated code in the answer.


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