I used VS 2022 to build API to take information and now it is using by the clients.
The controller class and the action method are shown here:
public class ABCController : ControllerBase
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(Unit), 200)]
public async Task<object[]> MoreDetails(SearchInfo sc)
Error error = new Error(1, "");
Unit[] units = null;
bool authavail = true;
if (CheckPassword())
MoreDetailsInfo lobjSearch = new MoreDetailsInfo (this._iconfiguration);
if (this._iconfiguration["trackid"] == "1")
authavail = lobjSearch.Ischeck(sc);
if (authavail)
units = lobjSearch.GetInfo(sc);
if (units != null && units.Length == 1)
if (units[0].IsGatewayError)
Error[] arrError = new Error[1];
arrError[0] = new Error();
arrError[0].ErrorNumber = -3;
arrError[0].ErrorMessage = "Error in response";
return arrError;
else if (units == null)
Error[] arrError = new Error[1];
arrError[0] = new Error();
arrError[0].ErrorMessage = "unable to take availabilities";
return arrError;
Error[] arrError = new Error[1];
arrError[0] = new Error();
arrError[0].ErrorMessage = "Invalid destination!";
return arrError;
Error[] arrError = new Error[1];
arrError[0] = new Error();
arrError[0].ErrorNumber = -3;
arrError[0].ErrorMessage = "Authentication failed...";
return arrError;
catch (Exception ex)
return units;
But the clients informed me that they are taking network errors and http errors. How do I sort out those issues?
What steps should I need to perform?
Thanks in advance