Unable to open file “lb.sql” when using Terraform resource “null_resource” “sqlcl-liquibase”

I’m using OCI DevOps and terraform to create DB and run liquibase changelog against it.
After the DB created and wallet and connected to DB successfully I’m receiving this Error:
unable to open file “lb.sql”
My Terraform script is:

resource "null_resource" "sqlcl-liquibase" {

  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command     = <<-EOT
    ./sqlcl/bin/sql -cloudconfig wallet.zip admin/${random_string.password.result}@sandboxProd_high @lb.sql
    working_dir = path.module

  depends_on = [

  • Where does lb.sql file exist? Does it exist in path.module directory?


  • Hi @harshavmb, it exist in path.module in my root repository.


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