GitHub action fails with exit code 1 when command return 0

I’m doing a github action for a project that has this part:

 - name: Check for version change
        id: check_version
        run: |
          git fetch origin main
          VERSION_CHANGED=$(git diff --name-only ${{ github.event.before }}..HEAD | grep -c '^src/manifest.json$')
          echo "version_changed=$VERSION_CHANGED" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"

It allows me to see if there has been a change in my manifest file. It returns 1 if yes and 0 if no.

The problem is that when it returns 1, all the rest of my action goes smoothly, but on the other hand, it exit me with this error:

Run git fetch origin main
  git fetch origin main
  VERSION_CHANGED=$(git diff --name-only 32f9a1bbdaa01bcda6cbc59973fe89707c92abc2..HEAD | grep -c '^src/manifest.json$')
  echo "version_changed=$VERSION_CHANGED" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
  shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0}
 * branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

And this is the result when everything goes well, even if I doubt it’ll do any good:

Run git fetch origin main
  git fetch origin main
  VERSION_CHANGED=$(git diff --name-only c47cdb4394c93c367b97241d7618a7608e9acb64..HEAD | grep -c '^src/manifest.json$')
  echo "version_changed=$VERSION_CHANGED" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
  shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0}
 * branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD

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