C++ function to generate non-repetitive combinations [closed]

I want to create a C++ function that takes a vector and makes a all possible combinations, but no word is used more than once in one combination with defined length:

std::vector<std::string> words = {"random", "test", "word", "hello", "world"};

Output for 3words would be:


For 4 words it would be:


I have this, which allows having one that one occurrence of the word in one combination:

void Generate::generate_combinations_with_repetition(int combination_length,
                                                     std::vector<std::string> words,
                                                     std::string combination,
                                                     int current) {
    if (current == combination_length){
        std::cout << combination << '\n';

    for (std::string word : words){
        std::string current_combination = combination;
        current_combination += word;

    for (std::string word : words){
        generate_combinations_with_repetition(combination_length, words, combination + word, current + 1);

and this is in for loop:

for (int i = 1; i <= combinations.size(); i++){
    generate_combinations_with_repetition(i, combinations, "", 0);

But I need generate_combinations_without_repetition(...){...}.

  • 3

    Related: stackoverflow.com/q/56768195/3966456


  • You can achieve this with only minor modifications. Instead of looping through all the words to perform the recursion, you should only loop through the remaining words. Change your end condition to print when combination_length is zero. When calling recursively, reduce combination_length by 1 and pass the index of the next word as current.


  • 3

    “I want” and “I need” are no questions. Often its just about phrasing things differently, and it always helps to have an actual question in your question


  • If I wanted or needed to generate all combinations of k elements from a set of size N, I would probably implement an iterable generator of combinations and then iterate over it. Because the number of combinations can be significant, it is reasonable to have a “streaming” implementation instead of one that stores the whole result. As already mentioned by others, stackoverflow is for questions; it is not a free coding service. As a side note, I would not want to work with a fellow engineer who hasn’t done this homework assignment (and many more).


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