I’m facing an issue creating a Zsh widget, I want it supposed to print the current terminal row when I enter a key combination.
However I can’t get it to work as a zsh widget, I can only get it to work as a oneliner.
I suspect the issue is because the escape characters have to be manually entered in.
The Code:
function print-current-terminal-row-widget() {
echo -en "\e[6n"
read -sdR CURPOS
echo "Current terminal row: ${CURPOS%;*}"
zle -N print-current-terminal-row-widget
bindkey '^X' print-current-terminal-row-widget
It doesn’t work. When using the above I get this output:
Current terminal row:
Working Example:
When I run the following command directly in the terminal, it works and returns the number of the current cursor row:
echo -en "\e[6n"; read -sdR CURPOS; CURPOS=${CURPOS#*\[}; echo ${CURPOS%;*}
Is there another way to get the current cursor row without manually typing in the escape characters, so that a widget can retrieve the Row number in the background?
I don’t think there is a problem with the escape character; after all, your
does get some response. Is the answer ALWAYS;6R
, independent of the line the prompt happens to be?