How do I create a bar graph in looker studio with multiple columns showing only one response?

I want to create a bar graph in Looker studio based on the ‘Yes’ responses received. Type of Graph, I want to create

I am using this table for my dashboard. (

What should i use as dimensions to get relevant results?

Type of graph I want

  • Sourav: This question Needs Details or Clarity, thus edit so it’s self contained (Example) with 1) Data: 3-9 rows of Inputs (Markdown Table) with Sample Data set (Google: Sheets, Analytics, etc) 2) Expected output table 3) Chart: Configuration + Setup 4) Issue: Attempt at solving + Output / Error 5) Report: Publicly editable Looker Studio with 1-4. Without a minimal reproducible example it would be difficult to test suggestions & the issue could be general troubleshooting


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