How do I disable the tooltip in VS Code that shows function parameter descriptions and overloads (parameter hints)?

I have following settings.json:

"editor.quickSuggestions": false,
"editor.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": false,
"editor.wordBasedSuggestions": false,
"editor.quickSuggestionsDelay": 1000000

but despite that, this code suggestions / tooltip / widget displays immediately after I write the code like this (JavaScript):

screenshot showing method documentation

Other settings in settings.json are adopted properly, e.g. "editor.fontSize": 17.

Here is documentation for the Visual Studio Code IntelliSense where I found the settings above. I use VS Code 1.6.0 on OS X (I experienced it also on previous versions of the editor).

I have all the settings in User Settings settings.json. My Workspace Settings settings.json is empty.

  • Note that “editor.quickSuggestions” is now an object – follow the link above for the latest settings.


You turned off code completion correctly. But parameter hints are still active. Turn them off by going into the Settings menu, searching for editor.parameterHints.enabled, and un-checking the box.

Or put the following entry in your settings.json:

"editor.parameterHints.enabled": false

If you ever want to see the parameter hints on-demand, refer to How to trigger parameter hints in Visual Studio Code?. In short, for Windows/Linux, Ctrl+Shift+Space; for Mac, Cmd+Shift+Space.

Turn them off with the following entry in your settings.json:

  • “editor.hover.enabled”: false,

disable the hover function. You will still be able to use CtrlR + K and CtrlR + I as needed.

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