How to add separator line in adminlte menu items

I’m using Laravel farmwork with AdminLTE. I want to add a separator line after few menu items. For this I tried to add bootstrap’s border class in class attribute. I defined the class attribute, which was not there before beneath the url attribute, that is why I think it’s not working. Any idea how to achieve a separator line?

This is my adminlte.php file code.

            // Sidebar items:
            'text'    => 'Data Entry',
            'icon'    => 'fas fa-fw fa-share',
            'submenu' => [
                    'text' => 'Purchase Invoice',
                    'url'  => 'purchases',
                    'text' => 'Purchase Return',
                    'url'  => '#',
                    'text' => 'Company Invoice',
                    'url'  => '#',
                    'class' => 'border-bottom border-dark'

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