Inconsistency in Google Custom Search API Results for URL Verification

I hope you’re doing well. I’m reaching out because I’ve run into an issue with the Google Custom Search JSON API that I believe some of you might have insights on.

Issue Overview:
I’m currently using the API to verify if specific URLs are indexed on Google. However, I’ve noticed a significant mismatch between the results obtained from the API and the actual Google search results.

Example URL:
For instance, the URL shows up in the Google search results when checked manually. But, the API doesn’t seem to reflect the same information.

API/Service Details:

  • Service Name:
  • Purpose: The API is crucial for my app, providing users with information on the index status of their backlinks on Google.

Request Method:
I use the Custom Search JSON API, employing the Google Search Syntax site:<Url> to determine a URL’s presence on Google.

This inconsistency is affecting the accuracy of the data presented to my users, causing confusion.

Request for Assistance:
If any of you have experience with this or know of a potential solution, I would greatly appreciate your insights. Let’s collaborate to ensure the API provides accurate and up-to-date results.

Thanks a bunch! 🙌

Ankur Chaurasia

I am trying to get the best solution of this problem.

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